Motocross Racing Tip Friday/ Student Breakdown
Get Your Video Training Now I will teach you right from your own video. Send me a video of you riding and I will correct all your mistakes with your body position and the use of your 5 controls. You can also let me know where you are having some of the most…
Body Position & 5 Controls To Keep Momentum/Speed In and Out Of Corners
Win Your First Motocross Starting on March 1, 2016, Scoob is taking on a group of 10 motivated motocross racers who are dedicated to WINNING their next race. The motocross coaching program is a 3 month training course that culminates with a 2-day motocross retreat at Scoob’s track in Pennsylvania. If you’re serious about…
Conor Mcgregor & Motocross Racing
The number one body position movement in motocross racing to add more timing, precision, control, and confidence to your racing. Correct movement creates flow & rhythm. Flow & rhythm creates momentum. Correct precision & timing of the movements keep the momentum flowing. Momentum is real speed and wins races.^5 A great exercise to add to…