Tips For Your First Motocross Race
Stop weeding through hours and hours of crappy motocross videos on YouTube trying to become a better rider. Take the easy way out and steal my 34 years of motocross riding experience by joining the Motocross Training Academy today…it’s your shortcut to being a better rider! Going through this course will be like having…
Moto-X Mental Tougnness
How do you or deal with bad moto ‘s or losing races or bad practice days? Do you have the mental toughness to re-focus on the next race or do you allow the last race to permeate your thoughts and keep you from riding to your potential? Every competitive season has…
Designing an Easy to Follow Workout Routine
Designing an Easy to Follow Workout Routine One of the biggest reasons people fall off their workout routines is because they design routines that are too hard to follow. Designing an easy to follow routine not only ensures you’ll stick with the routine, but it’s also more enjoyable. Here’s how to design…